Work with us!

Work can and should be enjoyable. There's no point in enduring a daily commute only to start each month with a bit of money but feeling dissatisfied. That's why, here at Nutzhof, we strive to provide a special environment not just for our guests, but also for our employees.

Everyone shares from the same pot
We maintain a collegial atmosphere where everyone is treated with respect. A sincere thank you is always part of our interactions, and we strive to support each other with any concerns.
The highlight of our day is undoubtedly the lunch break, where we all gather on the sunny terrace to eat together and chat.

Defying digitization
As mentioned, personal interaction is our top priority. We are passionate hosts, and this passion includes genuine human connections.
Therefore, we don’t believe in replacing entire departments with robots one day. Not because it wouldn’t be possible but simply because we don’t want to. Here, you can look forward to a secure and pleasant workplace.